2doboard: ActiveCampaign integration with CCV Shop

2doboard streamlines order management and customer insights with APIcenter

2doboard is an innovative provider of planning and organization tools that helps businesses and individuals work more efficiently. With a growing online presence through their web shop, it became increasingly important to not only process orders in an automated way, but also to better leverage customer insights.

The challenge

The 2doboard team was spending a lot of time manually processing orders and tracking customer data. They use ActiveCampaign as their marketing automation system and CCV Shop as their web shop platform, but the systems were not properly integrated. This meant orders had to be manually entered into ActiveCampaign, which meant customer information was not always accurate.

Because customer data and order history were not automatically synchronized, 2doboard lacked the ability to create targeted marketing campaigns based on customer purchase behavior. This limited their ability to strengthen customer relationships and increase conversions.

APIcenter’s solution

APIcenter implemented a smart integration between ActiveCampaign and CCV Shop, which means that sales orders are now automatically registered in the marketing platform. This means that 2doboard can instantly see which customers bought which products and use this information to set up targeted marketing campaigns.

Thanks to this automation, dynamic email campaigns can now be set up, with customers receiving personalized offers or follow-up emails based on their purchase history. This not only helps increase customer engagement, but also encourages repeat purchases.

The result

Since implementing APIcenter, 2doboard has a better understanding of customer behavior. The integration makes it possible to run automated marketing campaigns that respond directly to customers’ interests and needs.

Try it for free!

Do you, like 2doboard, want to get a better grip on your order processing and customer data? With APIcenter, your webshop and marketing tools are seamlessly integrated, so you can automatically process orders and make the most of customer insights.