Exact Online easily integrates to e-commerce

Exact online can be easily integrated with your online store. This gives you interesting benefits. As a web store owner, you want to focus primarily on where your passion lies – selling your assortment online. The more time you spend on “side issues,” the less time is left to focus on your online store. Sin! You can easily save time by connecting Exact Online to your online store. We would like to give you an insight into the key benefits.

Easily link with other parties

You can not only integrate Exact Online to your online store. You can also provide convenient integrations to third parties, such as distributors and suppliers. This is possible because the software is “open”. You gain helpful insights that make the whole process transparent. Suppliers, for example, can see when you need something, and you have visibility into what the supplier can offer you. In this way you ensure a smooth process and keep your stocks and delivery times in order.

Customers get the right information

Maybe it looks familiar to you. A product unexpectedly sells out, but you forget to indicate this in your online store. A customer orders the product and unexpectedly has to wait extra long for delivery. After all, the online store indicated that the product was in stock. This does not improve customer satisfaction. This can no longer happen when you integrate Exact Online to your online store. Inventories and delivery times are automated and therefore always displayed correctly in your online store. This ensures that online visitors to your online store always have the right information at their disposal.

No more waste of time within processes

The more you do manually within your processes, the more time wasted. When an order comes in, and you have to go through it manually to make it an order, it just takes time. You can feed orders directly into the trading system by connecting Exact Online to your online store. This will quickly save you ten minutes of time per order.

Optimal insight into inventories

Integrate Exact Online to your online store and you will always have complete and up-to-date visibility into everything related to your inventory, from reservations to backorders. Everything is interconnected, such as the warehouse management system, purchase orders and, of course, sales orders. This creates a complete picture, so you can always count on optimal planning. This is not only pleasant for yourself, but it also ensures higher customer satisfaction.

Easily integrate multiple online stores

You can integrate Exact Online to multiple online stores. This creates new opportunities. This allows you to experiment more with different markets and you always have a complete view of all web stores in one central place.

Easily connect Exact Online from the API center

Exact Online offers you numerous benefits that give you more convenience, time and efficiency. It is good to know that it is easy to integrate with Exact Online via APIcenter. Of course, online you can learn more about all the options we have to offer. In addition, we are here to provide you with information and advice as needed. Have questions? If so, please feel free to contact us.

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