Shopify POS Teamleader Integration
What can you integrate between
Shopify POS and Teamleader?
Shopify POS + Teamleader Integration
This connection is fully automatic. The synchronization runs automatically every 5 minutes, so your accounting is updated in almost real time.
Invoices from Shopify POS are forwarded to Teamleader.
VAT rates can be linked to various general ledger accounts in Teamleader.
General ledger accounts are transferred to Teamleader. The condition is that the general ledger account must also be available in Teamleader.
Prevent errors by manually entering data with an integrated system.
No technical skills required.
Additional settings.
Always orders, invoices and products up to date.
Free 14 day trial!
What does the flow do? How does it work?
Orders are forwarded from Teamleader to Shopify POS (default).
It is also possible to forward orders from Shopify POS to Teamleader.
If you have followed the wizard in APIcenter and turned on the flows, APIcenter will collect orders every 5 minutes by default.
This is immediately forwarded to the other system. a.d.h.v. The correct information is passed on from the set settings.
What does the flow support? What can we send?
Company entities
Settings strong>
We need more information to run the connection for your business process.
We want to know when an order can be forwarded, we do this using order status.
How would you like to place your order? Shopify POS received? This can be done as a quote or invoice.
This is the basic information we need to make the connection to walk.
Do you have more exceptions?
The APIcenter has many more settings that you can set.
You will find this in the dashboard of the link.
Work faster
and more efficient
Connect your systems
via the APIcenter wizard
Insights from your
data in dashboard
Always orders, customers,
products Up to date
Want to set up your
own connection?
Do you have a lot of IT knowledge and are you technically skilled? Set up your own connection! Create a free account and start the APIcenter wizard. The manuals will help you connect.
- APIcenter access
- Setup manuals
- Setup videos
- Authorize the applications
- Select which data you want to sync
- 14 day trial
Set up your integration
Up & running with APIcenter.
Would you rather GO live without worries? Our team of onboarding experts will help you with onboarding. You can easily purchase an integration package via your dashboard. The team will then contact you to initiate your integration.
- Setup by APIcenter experts
- Authorization of 2 applications
- Setup integration
- Configure 1 flow
- Make sure the basics work perfectly
- Video meeting to demonstrate integration
How APIcenter
APIcenter is a platform where you can set up an integration yourself. But how does this work? By registering you will enter the dashboard. Here you can “connect” your different systems together. You add your systems/applications first. Then you generally indicate what you want to link, for example products or orders. In the next step you will be asked what your specific wishes are. When that is filled in, you are done and you can test whether everything works as you wish! It can be that simple.
Always up to date
While it would take you hours to copy data between Shopify POS and Teamleader, APIcenter can do it in seconds. APIcenter is more efficient not only in cost and time, but most importantly: accuracy & security. A constant flow of data from one end to another has never been easier.
With APIcenter you have complete control over all your data flows from Shopify POS to Teamleader and the other way around. You can map the data exactly how you want it, and even invoke extra functions to transform the data when needed.
Full transparancy
You will get access to your own personal dashboard in which you can see extensive activity logs for your integrations. See exactly which data was from Shopify POS, and which data was pushed to Teamleader and the other way around. Add flows per your wish.
More about the Shopify POS and Teamleader integration.
The Shopify POS and Teamleader integration is very easy to setup with the APIcenter installation assistant. Simply create a free account and start the installation assistant. You will be asked which integrations you'd like to add. Simply select Shopify POS and Teamleader .
- Add the API credentials for both applications. We will walk you trough it.
- Add the flows you'd like to add, like orders, products and stock.
- Then add some settings per your needs and answer some questions to setup the integration properly.
- Finally, your 14 day trial period begins. When you are happy with the integration you can decide to go for a paid subscription.
APIcenter constantly monitors your integrations, so if any integration fails for whatever reason, we will instantly notify you exactly with what the problem is. This way you can have your Shopify POS integration with Teamleader fixed in minutes.
Nobody wants to be "punished" for their success by causing unwanted delays when the data flow grows bigger. Your data is business critical, you cannot afford any delays. By utilizing a redundant serverless architecture, APIcenter is able to handle any amount of data for your integration, without ever slowing down.
GDPR Proof
Our platform is GDPR proof. Transferring data is handled on the fly over an end-to-end encrypted connection without ever being saved on any of our servers. We only store logs to show to you. They are deleted on a frequently basis.